Dienstag, 27. Juli 2010

sinful mayhem

ok, just when you thought you ´ve seen alot of crap, this movie comes along. i mean... i haven´t seen the movie yet, but the trailer left me speechless.

Montag, 26. Juli 2010

dream stuff part1

ok, the idea behind this blog was to write something about weird dreams but i guess i will add alot of other things like movies, old games,just stuff!

but to kick it off i will write about some dreams that still stick in my head.
the first one is from my earliest childhood and i don´t know why i remember it:
i am laying in my bed,the door opens. a tiger and a panther enter the room, i throw 2 little toys after them which are from an old german tv show called"die sendung mit der maus"

the second one must be when i was around 8-10:
i am in a jungle with a friend to dig out a treasure.
while digging ants crawl over me, and the picture in my head transforms into a hollow cube with ants over him. i woke up pretty frightened from this one.after getting back to sleep i dreamed a bit further, same jungle, but something was moving in the bushes, i turn around and a blue tiger + human face mixture watches me, it even had a moustache.

these were my earliest dreams i remember.
oh i will add one my cousin told me about when i stayed in the summer holidays at his place back in the 80ies:
something about a elephant who gets punished with nunchakus for shitting in the palace garden!!

ok, thats enough for now